Head above the Water

head above water

Cleansing in the waters
Of the Mother Earth
I let go of the most precious
Of my life as it once was
Of all the people I once

Looking forward to the
New Beginnings
I fall asleep and dream a
In which I am lying
Caressed by the Blood Moon.

All fear of waking the old
Wounds is gone
The shame ofย repeating the old
Hits me like a thunder
And dies in the fire of the
Red Planets.

The New World
Will emerge
From the red floods of the
Grand Cross
The dead will rise
To be reborn

I wake up
In love I rise
Proud of ย Who I am.
Open to the potential
That what feels like

Is many of us rising
Head above the water
Wave after Wave.

Learn more about the Grand Cross of April and feel free to comment or add your own links in the comments:








23 thoughts on “Head above the Water

  1. Love your poem, you really shine as a poet ๐Ÿ™‚

    excited to check out more links that you provide.

    PS, I am on the verge of writing a little something on these energies. Stay tuned!

  2. Loved your words, but I am not sure I understand it all. At least I am being honest. I have for years followed the ascension world, and lately, I have just jumped off into the Void and have begun living LOVE, BEing LOVE, and as I do, my Life is opening in ways I only dreamed of. Hope you have some understanding of what I wrote. I’ve been waiting so long for the “new” to happen, I have more or less given up on the “promises”. I hope I am wrong. In other words, I no longer wait for that moment to arrive. I removed myself from the fishhook of “soon”. I am now making that “soon” into NOW. (smile) Love, Amy

    • Hi Amy, I really โค your comment. I have recently commented on a really cool WP galpal's blog that I may be skeptical for a shaman woman but I learnt to stay away from the โ€˜grand eventโ€™ channelings… And that from my own client experience, we all develop at a different pace and, even if global changes impact individuals, I still find that the major changes come from within.
      That said, I have to admit that I currently do feel a really strong energetic push to let go of the past. I have obviously worked on my past many of times and I know my places of wounding very well, and also where I have difficulty letting go, and yet I feel NOW is the time. I don't know much about astrology but I have seen that it can really be helpful when interpreted properly. We shall see ๐Ÿ™‚
      As for my poetry, it is an artistic expression and shouldn't be taken literally. To be honest, I consider my poetry 'channeled', i.e. it comes to me and if I don't interfere in any way it just flows, all at once. I learnt not to try and make sense out of it but decide if it feels right. And it always does ๐Ÿ˜‰ luv xox

      • Thank you for the explanation. I do feel a “strong” energy right now, and it is a pushing and a pulling. What it all means is beyond me. I just go with it. Love your poetry!!!! I understand what you mean when the words just come. I don’t interfere with them either. ๐Ÿ™‚ Love, Amy

    • Thanks so much! I know it may sound funny but I am not a poem person either ๐Ÿ™‚ It’s just that poetry somehow comes to me naturally and I think that if don’t always choose our gifts, every gift should be used to its best… I do relate to the emotions and creative expression that poetry allows to come through. Luv xox

  3. Loved your poetry as well as your imagery too my friend… I can feel the energies grow…Waiting to float away.. especially on the crest of the ‘Wave’.. Happy Luna Eclipse… ๐Ÿ™‚ xxxx Hugs Sue

    • I am usually not big on ‘grand event’ channelings but I do believe that astrology has something to teach us. And this time around I really feel strong and conflicting energies, and constant push and pull between the past and future. While constantly reminding myself to stay with the present… Happy Luna Eclipse as well ๐Ÿ™‚ xox

  4. Pingback: I Rise | shamanictracking

  5. Great photo and video, they play so well with your incredible words. Putting them altogether is poetry. The photo I feel the words “In which I am lying. Alone. Caressed by the Blood Moon.” And I like the idea of ‘us all rising head above the water, Wave after Wave.’ because that is what it takes to get through life these days. Getting inspiration from people like you, give us added buoyancy. Keep up the incredible work.

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